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How to make the Kitchener Stitch

Photo du rédacteur: Sidney, Au Fil du TricotSidney, Au Fil du Tricot

The kitchener stitch, is a sewing method allowing you to join 2 piece of knitting while your stitches are still live (open). This method is often used whn knitting sock top-down, for infinity cowl, shawls and even sweaters.

This sewing creates a new, not noticeable, row of stockinette in between your 2 pieces.


For your #kitchenerstitch to work, you need to:

  • have the same amount of stitches on both needles.

  • both needles have to be held in one hand, both tips facing the same direction.

  • Hold both pieces so both wrong side are facing each other.

  • Prepare a tapestry needle with the yarn used for the knitting with AT LEAST 3 times the lenght you need to sew.

I'm giving you instruction to work the kitchener stitch in 2 instances (stockinette and reverse stockinette), in both case it's a 6 steps process. The first 2 steps are for the set-up, the last 4 are the one you will repeat until you used all th stitches available.

Last advice:

  1. If you're working on a small amount of stitches, make sure you will have time and focus. You want to be able to work your kitchener once without being interrupted. By not stopping, you won't forgot a step and make a mess 😉😉.

  2. If there is a loarge amount of stitches, write down the steps. If you need to stop, circle the last step worked.

Kitchener Stitch on Stockinette

With your tapestry needle:

1 - In the 1st stitch from the front needle, thread needle as if to purl, leave in place.

2 - In the 1st stitch from the back needle, thread needle as if to knit, leave in place.

3 - In the 1st stitch from the front needle, thread needle as if to knit, remove stitch.

4 - In the next front needle stitch, thread needle as if to purl, leave in place.

5 - In the 1st stitch from the back needle, thread needle as if to purl, remove stitch.

6 - In the next back needle stitch, thread needle as if to knit, leave in place.

Repeat step 4 to 6 until all the stitches have been used.

Kitchener Stitch on Reverse Stockinette

With your tapestry needle,

1 - In the 1st stitch from the front needle, thread needle as if to knit, leave in place.

2 - In the 1st stitch from the back needle, thread needle as if to purl, leave in place.

3 - In the 1st stitch from the front needle, thread needle as if to purl, remove stitch.

4 - In the next front needle stitch, thread needle as if to knit, leave in place.

5 - In the 1st stitch from the back needle, thread needle as if to knit, remove stitch.

6 - In the next back needle stitch, thread needle as if to purl, leave in place.

Repeat step 4 to 6 until all the stitches have been used.

In reality, when can I use it ?

You can use the kitchener Stitch in the Tea O'Clock pattern. This shrug is work in 2 piece join at the center so the sleeves lace faces each other over the heart and the back.


Also, it's a great way to alternate the stockinette and reverse stockinette kitchener stitch since there is a purl is in the middle.

This video will help you make more sense of that ☝☝.

Have fun knitting !!



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